(Spanish tracts and resources)
Spanish has free Spanish tracts--so Christians can win Hispanics to Jesus Christ. You may get tracts
for Hispanic neighbours, church, or mission trips. Use the free booklet to learn to witness in Spanish.
I believe that most people after 6-8 hours of listening to the CD, can begin using the free booklet to win Hispanics.

How do I make sure I am saved from hell?
Possibly some people who visit this site can not say 100% for sure about going to heaven, but
want to be sure. Here is what the Bible teaches about how to be saved and forgiven for our sins.
Free tracts
This page has English and Spanish tracts you may download, print, and/or customize.
If the Lord wills, I will release more tracts later this year.
"Let's go win the Hispanics!"
"Let's go win the Hispanics!" is the self-study booklet designed to help Christians witness to
Hispanics about faith in Jesus. After listening to the CD for pronunciation you can begin using the booklet.
Resources and sermons
This page contains miscellaneous Spanish and English resources. People who are intrested in the
booklet may want the one page reference to Spanish verbs, if they know some Spanish.
All soul-winners may want the 2 pages of soul-winning tips!
Answers to basic questions--
This addresses answers which people should know from reading their King James Bible and listening
to preaching of the Bible, but often do not know. This booklet shows Biblical answers to the questions
posed on tracts 6 and 7. Some scriptures directly answer the questions posed, resulting in more concise answers.